Grid of Different Duration Than Planned

Problem: Unexpected changes in the duration of advertising campaigns caused rework and, in some cases, invalidated entire campaigns, affecting efficiency and increasing the company’s operational costs. Soluction: Infinity provided automatic duration adjustments and real-time notifications about any changes. Its rotation algorithm optimized the scheduling, significantly reducing rework and ensuring that campaigns stayed within the agreed […]

Unbroadcasted and Overbroadcasted Content

Problem: A television channel faced significant challenges due to a disconnect between its production and sales departments. This disconnection led to content that was either not broadcasted as scheduled or overbroadcasted, resulting in contractual breaches and financial losses. Solution: By implementing Infinity software, the channel achieved effective integration across all involved departments. The solution enabled […]

Conflicting Grid Programming

Problem: A media company faced recurring conflicts when scheduling grids for major competing clients, such as two leading beverage brands. The allocation of time on the advertising grid led to disputes and contractual compliance issues. Solution: Infinity introduced a real-time grid time-blocking feature that prevented overlapping schedules between competing clients. This tool enabled automated and […]

Prime Time Only Sales

Problem: The company focused exclusively on selling advertising slots in AAA/Prime Time categories, which created an imbalance in sales of less popular categories, impacting overall revenue. Solution: Infinity enabled real-time budget measurement and adjustments for the grid, facilitating timely decision-making to balance sales across all categories. The tool provided visibility and control over all time […]